Is your Facebook feed filled with friends checking into top vacation spots? Or maybe you’ve been receiving texts of smiling, pool-bound kids or the classic toes in the sand pics? Getting out of office replies…from the entire office? Or even the “wish you were here” phone calls?!
Instead of thinking “I wish I WAS there” it’s time to say “Take me there!" It’s not too late to book a getaway. Whether it’s across the country or just across town. A last minute trip is surprisingly easy to plan. You just have to find the right place to stay.
For me, Radisson hotels are a no-brainer. They offer forward thinking and creative hotel options from city centers to resort destinations and understand what today’s traveler is looking for, from free high speed Internet access to exceptional dining experiences, fitness centers and pools.

And here’s something worth writing home about! This spring, Radisson wants YOU to be the one leaving the office behind. Now through April 22nd, tell Radisson where you would rather be by tweeting one of their provided photos with #TakeMeThereSweepstakes for a chance to win a vacation for two and other great prizes! Visit to start planning your social media worthy getaway.

Here my tips to take amazing vacation photos for your social media feeds once you've reached your perfect destination. Once you’ve reached your perfect destination let’s look at some ways to take amazing vacation photos for your social media feeds.
Forget all the rules you thought there were for photography.
You don’t have to frame your photo perfectly, with perfect lighting. Play with fun angles, aim the lens at the sky, take an underwater photo - whatever feels right in the moment. You’ll get some amazingly creative photos as a result.

Capture those candid moments.
Some of my favorite photos are the ones where nobody is looking at the camera and posing with a perfect smile. Try to capture those genuine moments on your vacation because those are the ones you’ll want to remember and share with others.
Step back and capture the scenery
If every photo is up close, how would people know where you are? You aren’t setting the scene. Back up a little and capture the surroundings that make your destination special. Even shooting objects, like your sunhat and frozen drinks poolside will show people where you are and what the atmosphere is like.

So have fun, snap away and if these photos have you wishing you could get away, don’t forget to enter Radisson’s #TakeMeThere sweepstakes for a chance to win a vacation for two and other great prizes!